Interior Design News

Interior Design Schooling Requirements Post Constitutional Issues

Interior design schools across the nation train students for a future career in interior design, but few are preparing students for licensing exams.

There are only a few states that require interior designers to pass a licensing exam following their studies in interior design school.

Those states that do require licensing have recently come under fire by opponents of these types o regulations in the industry. Some opponents feel that licensing exams are unconstitutional and use the fact that 47 states find the exams unnecessary to make their case. They also claim that licensing exam requirements put an extra burden on both students who are seeking a career in this field and the interior design schools who prepare them for that career.

Such is the case in the state of Florida, where interior design schools must prepare students to successfully pass the licensing exam requirements in addition to traditional and contemporary interior design practices. Opponents of the state licensing requirement claim that the law is unconstitutional and want to see the Supreme Court hear a case to that effect this year.

An interesting article published by asks the question: Does the First Amendment protect your right to speak for a living? Many might ask what this has to do with interior design schools and licensing exams in the state. According to the article, the requirements to become an interior designer in Florida are too stringent and are based on “occupational language” regulations that should be protected under the First Amendment.

In order to become an interior designer in Florida, a person must successfully pass six years of interior design school, complete an apprenticeship with a state licensed interior designer, and pass the state exam. Because interior designers do their job through speech, as opposed to actually conducting any physical work, opponents of the regulations feel that Florida’s law is clearly a violation of the Constitution and subjects the speech based occupation to unlawful regulation.

Interior Design News

Interior Design Students can Soon Earn their Degree in Dubai

Interior design students interested in an interior design school outside of the United States will soon have other options.

An American interior design school is set to unveil its newest program in opulent Dubai soon, adding to the already growing number of programs at the institution.

According to Trade Arabia, the American University in Dubai is expanding its education program to include architecture, art, and interior design specializations. The university has always offered an interior design school, architecture school, and communication. This new program is expected to seed these three core competencies together for the purpose of a more fulfilling curriculum at the design schools.

The one question that may come up with students, who are now more than ever aware of international issues, might be: Is it safe?

Over the past few years, stories have circulated about some of the labor forces in Dubai that offer excellent pay and benefits to workers to help build the super-flashy, manmade city on the water, who later find that they are stuck in Dubai  with minimum payment (if any) and the inability to come back home. For students of interior design schools, however, Dubai is relatively safe.

Perhaps the best way to safe-guard against becoming stuck in Dubai is to follow the guidelines for travelling to any country for higher education studies. Students seeking interior design schools in a city like Dubai need only practice commons sense, remain in contact with family and friends, and be sure to stick close to people they know and trust.

The American University of Dubai will offer interior design degrees through a four-year curriculum in to grant students a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design. The University is accredited by the UAE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Interior Design News

Interior Design Schools Agree to Offer Bachelor’s Degree

A major college in California made it possible for interior design students at a smaller college to achieve a bachelor’s degree in interior design recently.

The Arts Institute of California and Lakeland College have entered into an agreement so that students at Lakeland’s interior design school are able to transfer credits to the four-year college.

The interior design school at Lakeland College is a two-year program, but offers students an in-depth education in the concepts and practices of interior design. According to a report in the news publication The Vermilion Standard, the Art Institute of California is confident in their curriculum.

“Lakeland’s two-year diploma program produces graduates who are very talented but who need additional opportunities to pursue a degree. Because the Arts Institute of California recognizes that Lakeland’s program is comprehensive, is academically advanced, and aligned with industry standards, our students will be able to receive transfer credit for course work that they’ve completed at Lakeland,” according to VP of Academic, Innovation, and Research Alice Wainwright-Stewart of Lakeland College.

As an added bonus, the Art Institute’s campus is located in Los Angeles, a city teeming with opportunity for interior designers. Home to Beverly Hills, Los Angeles is loaded with plenty of star-studded neighborhoods, top of the line boutiques, medical spas, and more opening up all the time. Each of these is willing to pay top dollar for the best interior designers in the market place.

Contrary to news reports a couple of years ago that claimed LA’s declining creative market would wreak havoc on these types of industries, interior design schools like the Art Institute of California are turning our hundreds of new professionals each year. Interior designers who are flexible in price point, design ability, and commercial interior design are able to survive and thrive despite the ominous economic climate.

Interior Design News

Interior Design College Helps Special Needs Students

Students at an interior design school in Illinois took an opportunity to help younger students recently.

Students from the Advanced Design program at Lewis University took on a project to help design a new type of school in Bolingbrook, IL which will assist students with disabilities.

The Brooks Elementary School in Bolingbrook is launching a new program for students with disabilities aimed at helping those students find job training following school. The interior design students took part in the new launch by creating designs for the new building where the Secondary Transition Experience Program (STEP) will reside.

Advanced interior design students coordinated with the school district’s students and coordinators to gain information about the new structure and program. As part of their research, the interior designers-to-be took a tour of the campus, talked with employees of Brooks Elementary School, and helped the students in the STEP program design a painting for their new facility.

An instructor at the interior design school, Leslie Colonna, said “This project was a great opportunity for our students to step out of the classroom and to apply their design skills to a real-world situation. It was a great success to involve the STEP students in the actual making of the artwork for their school.”

Lewis University and the school district entered into a learning partnership some time ago, which spawned the effort between the interior design students and Brooks Elementary School. Interior design students garner important experience from projects such as this that allow them to coordinate with “clients” and develop concepts to meet the needs of their customers.

By enabling students to meet the needs of the community while earning important wisdom in their trade, interior design programs are able to create programs that have an impact in the lives of their students and the lives of others in the community. Students at the STEP program will use the new facility for their own purposes, likely remembering their time with the interior design class each time they glance at their cooperative art work.

Interior Design News

Interior Design College Holds 15th Annual Exhibition

Watkins College of Art, Design, and Film is holding an interior design showcase this month to display student works in many categories.

The 15th annual Interior Design Student Exhibit will award prizes to tudents who exemplify superior designs in the show categories, with an emphasis and judging based on creativity, craftsmanship, and digital rendition.

The show will feature designs by students earning Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design and the interior design college. The exhibits will show off skills in different aspects of interior design to include introductory presentation, intermediate presentation, lighting design, furniture design, residential design, and commercial design. The final categories are in computer modeling, student portfolios, and sustainable designs.

The exhibition will begin this month on the 10th and will display student works until the 29th. The event will take place on the Watkins College of Art, Design, and Film campus in the Brownlee O. Currey, Jr. Gallery.

According the Watkins’ website, the awards at the interior design college will be presented by assistant professor Jennifer Overstreet and associate professor Cheryl Gulley. The ceremony will commence on the 20th of this month at 5:30 PM.

The interior designs school at Watkins boasts a rich curriculum that prepares students for a full-time career in interior design and claims to prepare students to become well-networked within their profession. The full curriculum in the interior design school is enriched by studies in the fine arts, contemporary design, and technology.

All of the interior design college’s students have been invited to participate in the exhibition, which is also open to the public with no admission fee. The public can view work from the interior design students at the Gallery on weekdays between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM. The gallery will also be open on Saturday between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM as well as Sunday from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

Interior Design News

Interior Design Students win All-American Contest

A set of students from the design college at Howard University recently won a contest that put their skills as Americans to the test.

The Student Design House Competition was sponsored by The Washington Design Center and the MADE: In America Foundation and features the works of interior design students from various institutions.

The challenge was this: choose a room at The Washington Design Center, identify any problems with the interior design, and then redesign the interior. The catch? They had to take classic interior designs that are uniquely American and recast them in a contemporary light. They also had to use “Made in America” materials and products to create their interior designs.

With supervision from faculty member Mark Watkins of Howard University, interior design students Bretagne Blair, Omar Tulloch, Karen Ennis, Alicia Johnson, Naomi Black, and Naada Favitsou-Boulandi worked their magic and won first place in the competition.

“We put so much effort and time into this project. We didn’t know what to expect,” said Blair, a senior at the interior design school.

They chose to create a library with classic American appeal that was complete with a custom mantle over the fireplace, designed and manufactured by the students themselves. The furniture and materials they selected were from top designers who had collections that were already on display at The Washington Design Center.

Among the features of their interior design, the students chose an old-world style clock and golden taupe drapes. An all wood desk with ornate spiral carved legs makes a space for reading or studying while seated in a burnt orange, high-back leather chair.

The interior design college at Howard University is an undergraduate program that helps student focus on the path forward to graduate school and, ultimately, a career in interior design.

Interior Design News

Interior Design School Leaders Begin to Offer Specialized Degrees in Healthcare Design

A recent conference regarding the rise in demands of the healthcare industry represents a sentiment shared by some of the country’s top interior design schools.

The 9th Annual Healthcare Design Conference wasn’t aimed at interior design schools directly, but did much in the way of pointing out the need for a targeted response from the interior design community at large.

Intuitive healthcare design pays attention to the traditional values instilled at interior design schools such as aesthetics and flow, but requires additional effort in the area of research and development. Certain interior designs are accommodating to both the patient and the staff who care for them.

One must consider not only the layout and lighting that is most beneficial to a functioning space, but how these decisions will ultimately affect the moods, behaviors, and productivity of people who spend the most time in a facility.

The 10th Annual Healthcare Design Conference, now setting up for November of 2012, will discuss the research surrounding the architectural and interior design of healthcare facilities. We can assume that much of that research will revolve around the newest data showing how interior design impacts a clinical environment – a clue for future curriculum development at leading interior design schools.

Interior design schools, such as the New York School of Interior Design, put much of their focus on this industry – teaching students about not only interior design as it relates to a clinical environment, but what it means to operate, administer, and manage a healthcare facility.

Pitching design ideas to a healthcare profession can be quite different than any other client that a future professional may encounter. The time seems to be upon us for specialized designers with extensive knowledge in the requirements and needs of this industry. Interior Design Schools like NYSID are very aware of this need and are launching new, specialized degree programs to prepare students for a career in this field.

Interior Design News

Interior Design College Receives Needed Enhancements

The interior design college at the Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn, Michigan continues to see an increase in enrollments following recent attempts at revitalizing the program.

The new program for the interior design school includes mandatory competitions for students, gaining support from an industry organization, and the addition of nearly seventy credit hours to offer an associate degree in interior design.

The interior design school is seeking full accreditation, something that requires support of an industry organization. The National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), an industry organization that sets the standard in kitchen and bath design curriculum, seems to be the school’s ticket to full accreditation and is host to the mandatory competitions implemented in the new program.

NKBA competitions fulfill the new student curriculum requirements that include participation in a kitchen and bath design competition. Students must participate in at least one such contest each year during the course of their studies at the interior design school.

This particular portion of the program enhancement applies to a thirty-three credit hour program to receive a Certificate of Achievement in the Kitchen and Bath Design discipline. The certificate is required to obtain NKBA support for the interior design school.

“We need several students to fully complete the program as well as a site-visit from the NKBA before we become fully accredited. It is my hope that we will be fully accredited in the next two years,” said HFCC Program Coordinator Karen Wilmering, according to the school’s website.

The interior design school’s associate degree program was updated back in 2009, offering an advanced degree for students. This allows HFCC to meet the minimum criteria set forth by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA). Though the school still lacks full accreditation, they are getting close to this status.

“We need several students to fully complete the program as well as site-visit from the NKBA before we become fully accredited. It is my hope that we will be fully accredited in the next two years,” Wilmington said according to HFCC’s blog.

Interior Design News

Interior Design Schools Offer Quick Education for Adults who want a Career Change

A student at an interior design school in San Diego recently told a school publication that she decided to go back to school at forty years old because she was tired of her current occupation.

Terri Parsons is a professional in Information Technology in her working life, but recently decided to enroll at the Design Institute of San Diego to pursue her interest in interior design.

Parsons story is echoed throughout interior design schools throughout the nation. In fact, nearly all technical trade schools are experiencing an influx in the number of enrollees who are at a late stage in their current career.

Everything from nursing to web site design are among the list-toppers that are redefining what it means to have a career. For some people, like Parsons, career goals can change at any time in life. This is a sentiment she sums up by saying “It’s never too late” according to DI News.

“I used to love it, but I just got tired of doing it every day and I realized it was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life,” Parsons told DI News about her IT career. She also mentioned that she has always gained accolades about the interior of her homes, even when she designed on a strict budget. Interior design school seemed to be the way to go, allowing her to take on a new career path she enjoys, a profession in which she may naturally succeed, and an equitable replacement for her hard work in IT.

Also like so many other adult students out there, Parsons was discerning in her choice of interior design schools. Many career professionals are taking more time to choose just the right school for them and at the location that is best suited for their current life situations. DI News reported a very similar story from Parsons, who chose the interior design school because of its accreditation status.