Interior Design News

Interior Design Students Show off Their Work

Interior design schools help prepare students for their future career in the real world of interior design, but many of the works students will use as a base for their portfolio are critiqued by other students and college professors. It is common for an interior design class to show off their best handiwork in a year end expose’, where items that they have worked on throughout their time at a school are put on display for the world to see:

On Monday, April 16, the culmination of four years of hard work finally comes to fruition as Kwantlen’s Interior Design program’s graduating class presents their final projects to friends, family and industry.

Among the graduates is Carolyn Cuthbert, whose final project focuses on a youth centre for Richmond.

As a graduate of Hugh McRoberts Secondary School, Cuthbert found her niche by creating a conceptual project around the historic Gulf of Georgia Cannery in Steveston. As a young person who grew up in a suburb, and with two younger brothers, Carolyn saw the need for a gathering place for young people.

“I wanted to create a place where youth could meet, relate to each other, and of course stay out of trouble,” says Cuthbert.

With the cannery as her backdrop and inspiration, she created a youth centre that would preserve the historical structure while creating a modern, youthful design within. The conceptual driver for the design was the folding and unfolding of origami. This concept influenced the planning, volume development and ultimately sculpting of interior space… (Read more at the Richmond Review.)

End of the year or end of the program exhibits help students to hone their interior design skills and learn to understand how people react to spaces. Seeing how the public reacts to their work can be inspiring and nerve-wracking for students at interior design schools. Among the visitors at an exhibit may be future employers and others who can refer work to students once they enter into the profession.

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