Interior Design News

ASID Shows Evidence of Shifting Interior Design for Classes

A recent report by the American Society of Interior Designers shows more evidence that interior design is taking a sharper turn toward environmentalism.

The industry outlook remains optimistic for future graduates of interior design schools as the industry sees an increase in business despite years of uncertainty.

The 2012 Environmental Scanning Report is issued each year by the ASID to provide insight into the interior design’s demographics and trends. This year the report supported the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics predictions that there would be a slight increase in the business last year. The BLS reported that 25% more interior designers were employed in 2010 than 2008 earlier last year. The number of interior design firms also increased last year, but about 15%.

While designers are learning to use new technology that seems to be ever-changing in the industry, interior design schools are struggling to keep up with the same changes. However, interior design students are becoming more prepared to enter the workforce by “keeping up” with new technology as they pursue their degrees.

The ASID report correlates other claims in the industry that interior design classes will still lean more toward environmental and socially responsible design trends in the future. Interior design students are also learning more about healthcare design and maximizing energy resources to keep a client’s cost of living down to an acceptable level according to green energy codes in the country.

The big ticket item for interior design school graduates will remain the same, however. Being flexible and able to adapt their skills and business to the current market will make or break the success of an interior designer. Interior design classes about adapting to technology, trends, and socioeconomic statuses will be important in future curriculum updates.