Interior Design News

Survey of Industry Pros: Interior Design Classes Still Paying Off

Interior design classes can pay off for students who are dedicated to flexibility in their careers.

While the economy certainly indicates a decline in expendable income for many people, successful interior design college graduates who now own their own business know to remain flexible and competitive.

A survey was recently released by Design Success University; an independent interior design consulting firm and online continuing education resource that specializes in helping interior designers create success and survive during times of uncertainty.

Their survey, titled the “2012 Interior Design Fee & Salary Survey eBook” found that interior design school alumni who are running successful businesses are remaining determined to make it in the current economic climate. As we have reported in recent weeks, some of these companies are learning to be flexible and adapt to the times by focusing on industrial interior design such as the blooming healthcare facilities market.

The Design Success University claims that the internet could be harming those interior design school graduates and long-time professional designers who are focused on consumer designs. “If consumers can purchase online and steal a designer’s ideas, they will,” Gail Doby of Design Success University said in a press release yesterday.

Doby also said, “Designers need more business savvy to succeed in spite of the triple threat of the economy, consumer attitudes and the Internet.”

The press release highlighted some of the notable statistics that the survey unveiled through feedback from nearly 900 interior designers. The 2012 Interior Design Fee & Salary Survey eBook found that, despite the downfall of leisure income, interior design school graduates can be successful in their careers by understanding the basic principles of business – and by learning from the pros that are already creating success.

According to this unique study, well over half of the survey interior design firms said their total revenue either increased or remained the same between 2010 and 2011. Many supporters of the survey say that it’s a must have publication for success because it provides industry pricing information and unique insight into being a competitive interior design business.